Mindfulness and the Average Smartphone: Technology for Calm Instead of Chaos

July 12, 2015

The modern, technology driven world often seems to make people feel distracted and stressed. In my field, child development research bluntly shows under-monitored technology influences children for the worse. But technology is simply a tool, and how it impacts our lives depends entirely on how we use it. As with any part of our life, […]

Stress Reduction – How to Find What Works for You

July 12, 2015

There are thousands of articles out there on stress reduction that mention the many ways we can manage/reduce/eliminate the stresses in our lives. They provide great value and help many people. Unfortunately, what we don’t see enough of are articles focused on the most important part of dealing with stress — the part that works […]

Don’t let summer stress harm workplace performance

June 12, 2015

Stress is a problem that can affect anyone, in any industry, at any time. It can creep up unexpectedly or it can build up over time. Stress can manifest itself in different ways with different people and, if left unchecked, can lead to significant psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and burnout. You may think […]

Work stress can be seriously damaging to your mental health

June 12, 2015

You tell yourself it’s OK and that it happens to everyone, particularly in the City. There’s nothing unusual about feeling stressed, particularly when things have been difficult in the office. But it isn’t OK, and work shouldn’t be making you feel down. Ideally, it should be psychologically stimulating and rewarding. Too often it is neither, […]

Healthy workplaces make for happy and effective employees

June 12, 2015

Promoting a culture that improves the health and wellbeing of employees is good management and leads to healthy and productive workplaces, says NICE. The advice comes from latest public health guidance from NICE which calls for employers and managers to do more to address the effect that poor working environments on people’s lives. Workplace health […]

What Would It Take To Improve Your Work-Life Balance?

May 12, 2015

Questions of work-life balance are particularly important to ask ourselves in the digital world, because it’s easy to slip in to the pattern of always being on call via smartphones, email and messaging. Work can cross the boundary into free time very easily. Sometimes this is a curse. Are you happy with your current work-life […]

Corporate Wellness – Health, Wellness and an Improved Bottom Line

May 12, 2015

It seems every time we turn around there is a buzz about “corporate wellness.” I have heard it so many times that I wonder if people are becoming skeptical and leery of it being a marketing ploy. However, I know the importance of health in business as I practice a healthy lifestyle and know the […]

Highlighting the Importance of Mental Health in the Workplace

April 12, 2015

More than two-thirds (69%) of senior business managers do not believe stress, anxiety or depression is a serious enough reason for employees to take time off work, according to research by Axa PPP Healthcare. Its survey of 1,000 employees and 1,000 senior business managers, such as chief executives and managing directors, found that one in […]

Workplace Wellness Tips

April 12, 2015

In 2015, you may have heard this phrase “Sitting Is The New Smoking” more than once. Recent studies have indicated that sitting for long periods of time does not have a positive impact on your health. However, with most job functions requiring extensive desk time, we hope there are other ways to increase activity at […]

The Most Surprising Way To Increase Employee Wellbeing And Productivity

March 12, 2015

The old paradigm of leadership viewing employees as objects to maximize, with long, gruelling schedules and few breaks is shifting. Now, effective leadership recognizes that employees, as human capital, are the company’s most valuable asset and deserve the treatment associated with that title. There is a new movement afoot to improve employee well-being, and for […]

How to avoid stress at work

March 12, 2015

Most business owners or company directors would instinctively agree that having healthy staff is likely to lead to greater productivity and engagement as well as reduced absence. The problem, though, has traditionally been that not enough think sufficiently about it to undertake genuine attempts to improve the wellbeing of their employees. Nor do enough bosses […]